Adelaide Fringe Review: Dr Kim Le’s War on Wellbeing
Posted on: Sun 26 Feb 2023

Do psychiatrists know the way to happiness? Come to that, what is happiness?
Can we buy happiness? We buy cars, houses, chocolate even, isn’t that the same thing?
Is it all an illusion – or can we simply find happiness …scrolling through our phones?
Great questions from established practising psychiatrist, and emerging stand-up comic, Dr Kim Le. Dr Kim has undertaken an overview of the collective happiness of Australia over the past decade… n’ it’s disconcerting to hear our happiness levels are continually dropping at the population level.
Where have we gone wrong?
Is it true that happiness is connected to our possessions – and how we compare ourselves to our peers? Is it really down to the level of ‘My Car Is More Expensive Than Your Car’? Does Comparison Theory really rule here?
What can be done?
Dr Kim clearly knows his material deeply – and uses his show to whisk his audience through a light and bright overview into happiness.
Some answers turn out to be simple… may know them already However, if in doubt, you may want to hear about them in a light-hearted session with a glass of something interesting at the Strathmore Hotel.
Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash
Reviewer: Christina Hagger, aka Dr Christina from The Thursday Edition of Festival City