Become a Member

Radio Adelaide is open to membership to the station’s licence holder, Educational Broadcasters Adelaide Inc, which is an incorporated association governed by the EBA Inc. constitution and a Board of Directors elected by the community.

Membership Policy 

Members play a crucial role in our station community by participating in Annual and Special General Meetings. Members have the right to one vote at any meeting of the Association on every issue that may arise. Only Members are eligible to nominate for vacancies on the Board of Directors to help steer the strategic vision for the station.   

Membership is open to anyone who wishes to be part of the Radio Adelaide communityto align with its purpose and values and to abide by its Constitution.  

All active Radio Adelaide volunteers are required to be Members and to contribute towards the management of the station. 

Membership Application  

The process to apply to become a Radio Adelaide Member is  

  1. Complete an application form  
  2. Submit the application to the Board for approval at their next meeting  
  3. The Secretary will notify applicants of the outcome as soon as possible and an invoice will be sent 
  4. The approved Member will pay the Membership fee within 14 days of notification 
  5. The Board Secretary will add the Members name to the Register of Members 

Refusal, Expulsion or Discontinuation  

The Board reserves the right to refuse, expel or discontinue Membership and will provide a clear reason as to why. 

A person whose application is rejected, discontinued or expelled by the Board has the right to appeal that decision at the next Meeting of the Association. If a simple majority of members present at that meeting support the appeal, then the person shall become or continue as Member. 

Membership Fee and Renewal 

Membership renewals are annual with the collective renewal date of June 30.  Fees are $80 or $45 concession. 

The Secretary shall send written notice to all Members before the last day of May. If a member does not pay the membership fee prior to the last day of July they shall cease to be a Member and their name shall be removed from the Register of Members. 

The Board may waive fees in cases of hardship at its discretion but cannot refuse to accept the renewal payment of a Membership fee from an existing Member. 

A person who becomes a Member during the year will be charged a pro-rata fee. It will be calculated on a quarterly basis until 30 June and rounded up to the nearest dollar. 

From -To                                  Full Rate/Concession Rate 

1st July- 30th  Sept                   $80/$45
1st Oct – 31st  Dec                     $60/$33
1st Jan – 31st  March                $40/$22
*31st Mar – 30th June              $80/$45

Note If you become a member during the period marked with an * the full membership will be from the date of payment right through until June of the following year.


A Member may resign by advising the Board in writing. At its next Meeting, the Board will direct the Secretary to remove the name of that Member from the Register of Members. Resignation by a Member does not release them from any obligations to the Association they had prior to their resignation. 

Upon resignation, the Member must return all keys, swipe cards, passwords and any other station property. 

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