Arts and Culture

Fringe Review: Rich Hall by Julie Cavanagh

Posted on: Tue 13 Mar 2018

Writer, musician and stand-up comic, Richard Travis (Rich) Hall, is known as the ‘cranky Yank’. He lived up to this name in full at his show in the Corona Theatre and the audience loved it!

His laid-back routine covered everything from our SBS TV programs to the state of the USA , with some hilarious comments along the way about American eating habits and of course, Donald Trump. And, although everyone wants to have a go at Trump this year, his comments were the funniest and most succinct I’ve heard this Fringe.

A description of his recent CAT scan certainly resonated with me (and, I suspect, with a fair few audience members) while his song about his wife could almost be grounds for divorce – until its conclusion. Even some unexpected responses from the usual  front row targets didn’t throw him and the appropriate local references proved he had done his homework on Adelaide.

But, once again, Rich Hall reinforced my determination never to sit in the front row at a comedy gig! This time, the chosen few were highlighted in song and the resulting off the cuff lyrics were both topical and amusing. Who would have thought a plumber could be extolled in such a way?

This was the first time I have seen an audience demand an encore, then get one, from a comedian and it was a rare treat.

The only problem with this show was the sound spill from surrounding venues, but, in their own ways, Hall and the sound man each did a pretty good job in getting around it.

I’ve seen more than my usual quota of comics this Fringe, however, I think I saved the best till last.

Rich Hall is at the Garden of Unearthly Delights until March 18th. Check your Fringe guide for details.

Julie Cavanagh

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