Arts and Culture

Review: Stephen K. Amos by David Cavanagh

Posted on: Sun 11 Mar 2018

Hi , I’ve been to see Stephen K. Amos at the Arts Theatre in Angas Street.

Amos has been a feature of many past Adelaide Fringes, but there is nothing stale about ‘Bread and Circuses’, his current offering, where nothing is sacred and everything and everybody is in the firing line regardless of race, creed or colour. The large venue of the Arts Theatre rather than the smaller, more intimate venues in the Garden or Gluttony, doesn’t detract from Amos’ presentation; in fact his show creates an intimate feel that is quite divorced from its setting.

Within a few minutes of the start of his performance, Amos was heckled, which came as a bit of a surprise (“this is the first time it’s happened to me in Australia”) but he handled the interjector very well and quickly put him in his place. I almost felt sorry for the heckler, almost! And the audience loved it. A little later in the show he began discussing education, comparing the UK experience with what happens here. Who would have thought that the South Australian Certificate of Education could create such prolonged and persistent hilarity?

Any stand-up comic who makes him or herself laugh is, for me, up there with the best. Amos did this, constantly wiping tears of mirth from his eyes (and sweat from his brow) at some of his off-the-cuff remarks and audience responses. Stephen K. Amos is a very funny man. Go see him.

Stephen K.Amos’ ‘Bread and Circuses’ is part of the Adelaide Fringe and is on at the Arts Theatre until March the 18th. Check your Fringe guide for details.

David Cavanagh

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