Arts and Culture

Why it is comedians are more likely to get diagnosed with ADHD and other neurodiverse differences

Posted on: Thu 22 Feb 2024

“Is it real or not real?”

That is the definitively indecisive question one thirty-three year old stand-up comedian is obsessively attempting to interrogate as he grapples with being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the emotional and psychological complexities and calamities that come with adjusting to this new-found sense of identity.

Andrew Deficit Hastings Disorder dares to pinpoint what the positive and negative experiences living with ADHD have turned out to be like for Sydney based comedian, screenwriter and former long haired emo, Andrew Hastings, who is yet to fully understand what this diagnosis means for him thus arousing some suspicious assertions that this might not absolve past transgressions. That isn’t to say that Hastings recoils, cringes or finches when remembering how he got to be where he is today, except when he refused to talk to anyone after ‘bombing’ quite badly during his first ever solo performance back in 2011.

Hastings also got to reveal to De-Stigmatised‘s Jarad McLoughlin some of his peculiar and eccentric hyperfixations, the shared likelihood in becoming neurodivergent alongside many of his peers and how he handles himself while feeling limbic.

Produced by Jarad McLoughlin

Photo supplied by Shane Van Laar

Jarad McLoughlin

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