Catherine McCullagh: Dancing With Deception
Posted on: Mon 3 Apr 2023

After a 20 year career in the Australian Army then 15 years in the Reserves, Catherine retains her military ties with three published books to her name, Willingly into the Fray, a narrative history of Australian Army nursing; War Child, a World War II memoir; and Dancing with Deception, her first foray into historical fiction. Catherine’s background in military history and an abiding interest in the dilemmas of life under an occupying power provide the historical background for Dancing With Deception. The book is also a tribute to wartime hero Frenchman René Carmille, a man of quiet courage who was a crucial element of the Marco Polo escape network. He perished in Dachau in 1945. Interviewer Fiona White.
Image: Dancing with deception by Catherine McCullagh. Used with permission of Publisher: Big Sky Publishing Pty Ltd, Newport, NSW