
Betty Christensen: WW11 War Bride- Part 1

Posted on: Tue 10 Jan 2023

When young Englishwoman Betty Byrne walked down the aisle to marry American Serviceman Henry Christensen in the UK toward the end of WWII, in their wildest dreams they couldn’t have envisaged that married life would lead them to spend most of their lives in remote outback South Australia, with many an adventure along the way, and accompanied by a car load of their young children, and they did it all on a shoe-string.

We bring you part one of Betty Christensen’s 2012 interview with historians Sylvia Hobbs and John Mannion..

Betty Christensen – Interviewed by Sylvia Hobbs and John Mannion Part 1

Photo: Betty Christensen with a photo of her late husband Henry (aka Hank). Provided by John Mannion and used with permission.

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