
National Recycling Week Spotlights Australia’s Recycling Industry

Posted on: Fri 11 Nov 2022

It’s National Recycling Week to remind us to reduce our waste and take care of our waste responsibly. 

However, this week has also coincided with the suspension of the REDcycle soft plastics recycling program at your local Coles and Woolies.

The program was revealed to be stockpiling recyclables as they couldn’t take on any more materials after a lack of market demand for post-consumer products.

So, with Australians accumulating over five million pieces of soft plastics per day, what is the future for recycling in Australia?

Circular economy leader and consultant Bel Chellingworth joins Breakfast’s Tom Mann to discuss the state of recycling in Australia.

Click here for more information about what you can do to reduce plastic in your home.

Image: Flickr

Produced by Shannon Pearce


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