Arts and Culture

Managing mental illness with animal therapies

Posted on: Fri 7 May 2021

Anecdotally we know about the therapeutic powers of animals, but the science and research are now validating those beliefs. Animal-assisted therapy is a recognised field worldwide.

A couple of weeks ago Candy Gibson, an Adelaide local, launched a podcast called Paws for Thought. It’s about the phenomenal connection between humans and animals, and how animals can change humans’ lives for the better.
We caught up with her and got to know all about how alpacas, horses and dogs are helping Australians with autism, panic attacks, depression, PTSD and even domestic violence.

The podcast is and is made for the non-profit organisation Candy co-founded: Animal Therapies Ltd., Australia’s first official body to advocate animal therapies.

The podcast is called Paws for Thought. And she starts off by telling us how she came to be so involved with the impact that animals have on our physical and mental wellbeing. 

Story produced by Stefanie Staelens
Photo: Jamie Street

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