
On this day – March 19

Posted on: Fri 19 Mar 2021

On this day in 1932, the Sydney Harbour Bridge was officially opened, over a century after the idea was originally conceived.

The opening ceremony was not without drama, with a member of an ultra-right-wing group riding out of the 750,000 strong crowd on a horse to cut the ceremonial ribbon with his cavalry sword before the then-New South Wales Premier could do the honours.

In 2018, the last male northern white rhino had to be euthanised due to age-related complications. Now only two females are left of the species, but there are hopes southern white rhinos may play a role in bringing their northern relatives back from extinction.

In 2019, American mathematician Karen Uhlenbeck became the first woman to win the Abel prize for mathematics. The prize is awarded by the King of Norway to laureates who have made extraordinary contributions to the field of mathematics.

Produced by Sezen Bakan

Image source: Wikimedia Commons


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