Arts and Culture

Eleanor Zecchin Paints Over the Rainbow

Posted on: Sat 20 Feb 2021

“I see this body of work and a lot of my practice as a quiet protest against the politics of fear. My choice to move towards optimism is because I’m moving away from something else.”

Eleanor Zecchin

Eleanor Zecchin is an Adelaide-based visual artist and lecturer at the Adelaide College of Arts. Her span of work explores the symbolic nature of her objects and has grown to include her latest exhibition 1000 Ways to Rainbow which creates a metaphorical narrative through the soft flow of water colours to explore the dynamic themes of optimism.

Her 1000 rainbows each measure 162 by 144 millimetres and will be showcased across four walls of the Newmarch Gallery until 28 February.

Eleanor Zecchin speaks with Festival City’s Emma Wotzke about the concept behind her works and why we all may need a little more rainbow in our lives.

Produced by Emma Wotzke

Image supplied by Eleanor Zecchin

Festival City

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