Refugees, Detention and Offering Support
Posted on: Sun 8 Apr 2018

Sue and Clayton invited Lesley Walker and Mij Tanith, local refugee advocates and visitors to hear their very personal take on the state of affairs and in particular the hurts Australia’s policies are causing those in our care…
We’re also joined by Zuhir, Saleh and Wasim who entertain us with some original and traditional music on Oud, Dumbek and Rek – including Thank You Australia, Zuhir’s song of thanks for the opportunities he and his family now enjoy here.
And in particular – the Fundraiser in support of Refugees, courtesy of the Circles of Friends, at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, Thebarton, Saturday 14th April from 2 – 5 PM – $15 entry, lots of live music, fun and community – all are welcome!
Photo taken with the consent of all involved and used with the permission of Sue Gilbey.
Production by Clayton Werner