Arts and Culture

A laugh a day leads a quirky Scottish queer, neurodivergent doctor astray

Posted on: Thu 27 Feb 2025

For the last few centuries, a proverbial English language phrase dictated that ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’, but evidently, there is no proven scientific logic that fruits and vegetables can cure any disease, illness or ailment. That isn’t to say laughter can’t be prescribed as numerous peer reviewed scientific studies show that it helps with reducing the stressful, hormonal affects of depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Another alternative, less expensive remedy is getting treated to an hour long exploration of queer neurodivergence, which looks into the manifested medical, queer, and neurodivergent perspectives of one Average Autistic Caledonian Poof, who specialises in palliative care and mental health. Marc Isaac, who was born on the east end of Glasgow in Scotland to a ‘small-c’ conservative Evangelical Christian household, will not be restrainting themself on their campiness, smuttiness, and quirkiness with aesthetically melodramatic, overconfident swagger at the Adelaide Fringe Festival next month, as A Kilted Queer navigates through Marc’s journey from childhood diagnosis, internalised self-hatred and shame, familial connections, romantic afflictions, and medical school tomfoolery.

Marc revealed all to Utterly Queer As!‘s Jarad McLoughlin on why they would rather stay known as queer and not try to hide who they are to those that don’t feel comfortable with how they truly identify. Jarad kicked things off by asking Marc what they have been up to.

Photo supplied by Paul Gosney

Produced by Jarad McLoughlin

Jarad McLoughlin

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