Thelma Zimmerman WAAAF Veteran: Farewell
Posted on: Mon 20 Mar 2023

JESSIE THELMA ZIMMERMAN: FAREWELL TO A SPECIAL PERSON Australian War Widows and many others are in mourning after the loss last week of 100 year old Thelma Zimmerman. Thelma’s life story was typical of many Australians of her era, having lived through the effects of both world wars, service in the military, battling through the great depression. In June 1922 World War One Army Veteran George Kinsman walked into the local Police Station to proudly register the birth of his darling daughter Jessie Thelma. Little did George know what life would throw down for the little bundle of joy sleeping peacefully back home.
In 2017 we interviewed Thelma about her life. In dedication to her memory, and in appreciation of her friendship, we re-broadcast that interview today.
All photos provided by Thelma Zimmerman with approval to use as required