
CBAA Conference, Cairns 2022

Posted on: Mon 28 Nov 2022

We gather a series of short interviews from attendees at the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s conference in Cairns, giving some insight into the diversity and benefits of Community Broadcasting in Australia

  • Ester Blanke – Deutsche Welle
  • Jake Gablonski – Australian Film Television and Radio School
  • Jo Curtin – Community Broadcasting Foundation
  • Karen Kundicevic – Community Media Training Organisation 
  • Troy Russell – Koori Radio 
  • Christopher Zin – Eastside Radio
  • Stephen O’Dougherty – Christian Radio
  • Rose Ambron – 4EB Babinda
  • Raul Hernandez – Radio Skid Row
  • Amica Gordon – Indigenous Media and Broadcasting
  • Jane Hodgkinson – Wild Horse FM
  • And to round out the Cairns experience, we chat with a local…  Nasser Saeedi who has nothing to do with radio, but lots to do with compassion and understanding.
CBAA Attendees
Nasser Saeedi – a conversation with Helen Meyer, Cairns 2022

Main Photo: Garden at Shangri-La, the venue for the CBAA 2022 Conference. Photo by H Meyer and used with permission

View from The Boardwalk Cairns. Photo by H Meyer used with permission

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