Ian Pfennigwerth (Capt RAN Ret’d): WW2 Small Ships. Relevance to Australia
Posted on: Mon 11 Apr 2022

With Anzac Day 2022 just around the corner, we flash back to an interview we did in August 2019 with Capt Ian Pfennigwerth, who gives a great explanation of the unit that WW2 Veteran Len McLeod served in, and about WW2 shipping and its relevance to Australia.
With a substantial background in the Royal Australian Navy, including as head of Naval Intelligence; as a Defence Attaché in Beijing; and as Commander of a Guided Missile Destroyer, Ian Pfennigwerth is now a highly regarded author and Naval historian.
Main Photo: ‘Maiwarra’ PNG WWII. Used with permission C. M. Dawes