Arts and Culture

Centre Stage for 100 Plays

Posted on: Sat 18 Sep 2021

Adelaide-based, veteran playwright, Finegan Kruckemeyer, has reached a significant milestone by recently bringing his 100th commissioned play to stage.

Following a predominate focus on children’s production, 2019 saw a swift turn towards more mature audiences with the beginning of Hibernation, which posed serious questions around climate change facing our planet. Presented this August by State Theatre Company, the recent production echoed the sentiment of his landmark – 100 plays since his debut in 2002.

Finegan caught up with Festival City’s Emma Wotzke to chat about his feelings surrounding the accomplishment of 100 plays, as well as some of the significant moments throughout the breadth of his vocation as a playwright.

Produced by Emma Wotzke

Image by Stefano Stacchini sourced from Unsplash

Festival City

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