Aged-care overhaul
Posted on: Tue 20 Apr 2021

Australia’s aged-care system is in a state of disaster. The aged care royal commission’s final report, released last month, is just the latest in a decades-long string of depressing reports and inquiries exposing horrific abuse, neglect, and systemic failures.
The system needs a complete overhaul and this will come at a price, using tax payers money.
The government must introduce new independent governance arrangements, including independent pricing, independent quality standards, independent oversight and regional governance structures.
Properly administered, extra funding could transform the aged-care system. Next month’s budget should include policies – and funding – to create an aged-care system in which all Australians can take pride.
Breakfast’s Tom Mann speaks to Stephen Duckett from the Grattan Institute about our aged care system and why it needs an overhaul.
Produced by Kate Johnson
Image source: Regis aged care