Dan, Dorothea & Leasha: Remembering Henry Warburton 6LHR
Posted on: Mon 11 Jan 2021

Henry George Leslie Warburton was born 20 December 1893 in Brisbane, and served as Stretcher Bearer with the 6th Light Horse Regiment at Gallipoli during WW1, and served again in WW11. He didn’t discuss his service with his daughter Dorothea, simply did his duty and returned to civilian life.
After Henry’s death in 1973, Dorothea found a notebook that Henry carried at Gallipoli, filled with notes concerning action and places he visited, written between pages of poetry that reflect on his Gallipoli experience . They remind us that poetry was a formidable media during the early 20th century. Henry’s works reflect the development of Australian poetry post-Federation, focussing on love of the land. His poems relating to service at Gallipoli identify themes that Australians can still relate to.
Leasha Craig is an artist who co-ordinated a project titled Australian Spirit. Its purpose was to commemorate the centenary of ANZAC by promoting the service of returned personnel. Daniel O’Brien OAM interviews Dorothea & Leasha.