
Fighting Fast Fashion with Laura Vogt

Posted on: Fri 6 Nov 2020

Shockingly, us Australians are the second largest consumer of new textiles. Coat-tailing after the US, Australians consume an average of 27 kilograms new textiles per year.

Fast fashion is the main culprit for our consumption habits. The University of Queensland reports that we now consume about 80 billion new pieces of clothing every year, 400 percent more than we we consumed just two decades ago. Sadly the more we consume, the more we throw out.

Laura Vogt is the owner of Sustainable Clothing Co, a local business combating fast fashion and educating Adelaideans on the topic. Sustainable Clothing Co goes beyond being just a store. To support locals in their quest to shop more sustainably, Laura hosts clothing swap events and style markets and speaks at events like the Adelaide Vegan festival.

You can find Sustainable Clothing Co on 34B Hindley Street, on Facebook and Instagram

Produced by: Ava Viscariello

Featured in story: Laura Vogt

Image Credit: Cameron Pozza


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