Megan Spencer: Harry’s War
Posted on: Mon 20 Apr 2020

Megan is a meditation teacher, with a particular interest in self care and kindness. But she’s also a professional broadcaster, film critic, journalist and media maker, with a long list of credits to her name, and has kindly allowed Service Voices to use sections of her wonderful podcast series for the Australian War Memorial… From a Whisper to a Bang… the story of Corporal Harry Spencer 2/7th Battalion POW WW2.
Megan’s Aunty Delma says.. “If you only look for the bad, that’s all you’ll find” in summing up the effect that her father, Megan’s Grandfather, Harry Spencer’s wartime experiences had on his family.
Historian Lachlan Grant tells Megan how he tries not to generalise about the tens of thousands of Australian prisoners of war, because they all have diversities of experience. They all have their own individual journey through captivity. Make sure you hear Harry Spencer’s!
Audio PlayerHear the full Podcast series From A Whisper To A Bang at the Australian War Memorial

Photo Collage provided by Megan Spencer and used with permission