
Andrew Sniedze: 14 and serving in Latvia with the Luftwaffe (general SS)

Posted on: Mon 20 Jan 2020

Many areas of the world were dangerous places from the 1930s to 1940s, and particularly so for men and boys.  While many of our Australian male children were eager to join up to serve in WW2, in some countries it was a matter of life or death and having to choose which side you would join…  which side gave you more chance of survival.   For tiny Latvia, having experienced occupation by the Soviets, their invasion by Germany was a mixed blessing. Andrew Sniedze, now 90 years of age,  migrated to Australia in 1962,  but at one time he was ‘the enemy’.  He was only 14 at the time!   A great insight here from Andrew.

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Interviewer Helen Meyer

Main photo:  Andrew Sniedze (R) and Captain (L) on the compass of ex-American T2 type steam/electric oil tanker, about 20 thousand ton cargo.  Provided by A Sniedze and used with permission.

Andrew Sniedze. In US port. Appointed Deputy Sheriff for a few hours. Photo provided by A Sniedze

Andrew Sniedze 2019. Photo taken by Helen Meyer and used with permission.

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