
Greg Weller & Lainie Anderson: An Epic Flight Indeed!

Posted on: Mon 8 Jul 2019

Group Captain Greg Weller from RAAF Base Edinburgh and journalist, author Lainie Anderson give a thoroughly entertaining, informative interview with some new slants on why we here in South Australia are inviting everyone to join us in celebrating the Epic Flight Centenary (EFC)… an incredible feat of flying in the days when aeroplanes were flimsy, primitive machines.  Historians have declared that this flight back in 1919 was as significant as man landing on the moon.  …And, as part of the EFC  we hear why we should all book our tickets now for the Defence Air Show at Edinburgh in November!

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Interviewer Helen Meyer

Main photo: Captain Sir Ross Smith K.B.E., M.C., D.F.C., A.F.C., and his brother Lieutenant Sir Keith Smith K.B.E.  1 December 1920   Wikimedia commons


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