Arts and Culture

Vale Martyn Cook 1958 – 2019

Posted on: Mon 8 Apr 2019

Many South Australians and visitors to our State have had the pleasure of being in close proximity to immense beauty and almost unimaginable wealth, when for a modest fee they visited The David Roche Foundation House in North Adelaide.  David Roche was a collector of antiques, fine art, and items that enhanced his specialised Neoclassical and French Regency collection.  He was best known as Australia’s most celebrated and awarded international dog judge, breeder and exhibitor. It was David’s heartfelt wish to gift his collection to the people of Australia with a hope that visitors would leave having found a favourite piece to remember. It saw his friend and business associate Martyn Cook become the Inaugural Curator/Director of The David Roche Foundation in 2013 when David passed away.

This astoundingly beautiful collection has been visited and appreciated by thousands.  Many who met Martyn Cook recognised and appreciated his work in making the collection readily available to the people of Australia, and particularly to South Australians.  A great service to community and country alike.

To meet Martyn Cook was to be drawn in and captivated by his personality, his sharp mind and his clever sense of humour.  To be in his company was to feel that you were the centre of his attention. Even if only for a few minutes.

Martyn Cook will be sadly missed…

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Presenter Fiona White.   Producer Helen Meyer

The David Roche Foundation


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