Bilsborow, Groom, Hurst: CODS – Paris or the Bush
Posted on: Mon 20 Aug 2018

A rowing eight from Murray Bridge in South Australia overcame prejudice, age, injury and poverty to represent Australia at the 1924 Paris Olympics… It’s an amazing story that has been made into a documentary film. Filmmakers Wayne Groom and Dr Carolyn Bilsborow, and author, historian Dr James Hurst tell Service Voices Listeners about this extraordinary story of courage, humility, skill, class prejudice, war, sport and mateship. It was Australia’s greatest untold sporting story.
Note: CODS: Paris or the Bush will be screened at The Regal Theatre, Kensington Park SA at 1pm on 4.11.18. It’s a film about the famous Murray Bridge working class rowing eight who won the coveted Kings Cup three times from 1920-1923 and represented Australia at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris.
Audio PlayerInterviewer Helen Meyer
Photo: Olympic rowers from Murray Bridge 1924 State Library of South Australia no known copyright restrictions