
Radio RAAF Butterworth & Australian Forces Radio Vietnam

Posted on: Mon 6 Aug 2018

Ray Jennings:  Radio had entertained and informed ANZAC forces in many fields of conflict from the Middle East and North Africa through the Pacific, Australia, and throughout South East Asia. …and along came Radio RAAF Butterworth (RRB) to continue the tradition.  Today we hear from Ray Jennings who became a Senior Announcer at RRB, and then went on to set up Australian Forces Radio Vietnam (AFR Vietnam/Vung Tau).  When he left the military, Ray then became involved in the early days of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s Community Radio Network.  You don’t often come across someone with such diverse radio experience as Ray Jennings…  !!

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Extra:  Ray Jennings about involvement in the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia’s Community Radio Network:

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Interviewer Helen Meyer

Main Photo:   AWM Copyright unknown – orphaned work     Description   Group portrait of staff of the Australian Forces Radio Vietnam. All are announcers unless otherwise states. Identified, left to right, back row: Robbie Oxley, Australian Army; Ray Jack; Sergeant Frank McCartney, RAAF; unidentified, librarian. Front row: Kev Routlidge, RAAF; Cpl Raymond N Jennings, Postman; Bob Jones, RAAF.

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