
Ray Kemp: A Submariner’s story

Posted on: Mon 30 Apr 2018

Two days before Anzac Day 2015, retired RAN Submariner Ray Kemp was a guest aboard HMAS Anzac at the WW1 resting place of  His Majesty’s Australian Submarine AE2.  AE2 was the first sub to successfully penetrate the waterway and enter the Sea of Marmera, with orders to “run amok” inside Turkish territory.  She operated for five days before mechanical faults forced her to the surface, where she was damaged by enemy action, and was scuttled by her crew, all of whom were captured.  The wreck of the AE2 was only located in 1998.

Why would Ray Kemp say that this visit to the site of the AE2 is one of the highlights of his life?  Well, you’ll have to listen to Ray’s story of decades of service as a Submariner in the Royal Australian Navy to understand.   Ray also talks about the submarine portrayed on our magnificent Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk in Kintore Avenue….  and his work now as an advocate for Veterans.

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Interviewer Helen Meyer

All photos provided by Ray Kemp and used with his permission:

  1.  Main Photo:  Ray Kemp (with beard) in Scotland June 1977 for the commissioning of HMAS Orion.
  2. Ray Kemp aboard HMAS Anzac above WW1 resting place of Submarine AE2
  3. Ray’s faithful companion Poppy. Breeder dog for Royal Society for the Blind



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