Tristan Harris R.A.N. – 4,200Kms for Legacy
Posted on: Mon 4 Sep 2017

3 tours of duty to Iraq opened Tristan’s eyes to the possibility of what could happen to his family if for some reason he didn’t return from deployment. Recently retired from the Royal Australian Navy, CPO (Chief Petty Officer) Tristan is walking from HMAS Stirling in Western Australia to HMAS Creswell on the east coast of Australia – a trip to raise funds for Legacy. With no support crew or back up vehicle!! Service Voices caught up with Tristan in the little country town of Booborowie in the Mid-North of South Australia, and over a beer at the Booborowie Pub, Tristan chatted about his incredible trip.
For more information or to follow or donate
Audio PlayerInterviewer Helen Meyer
Photos provided by T Harris 1: Sausages and veges for tea. 2: The road from Gulnare to Spalding, SA