
Ana: Australian Air Force Cadet

Posted on: Mon 2 Jul 2018

Leading Cadet Ana, aged 15, has been a cadet for just a year and half. But she has already been reclassified as Leading Cadet, qualified in firearms safety with the .22 rifle, passed a swim test, and flown a light aircraft (under supervision) – and she has completed the Bronze Award in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. In Adelaide on Anzac Day, she had the privilege of carrying the Banner at the head of the Royal Australian Air Force contingent of veterans.  But there’s even more to her story…   have a listen

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Interviewer Fiona White

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Leading Cadet Ana from 613 Squadron prepares to board her Diamond DA-40 during a Pilot Experience Flight (PEX) at Parafield Airport.

Image by Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul Rosenzweig

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