Back to the good Oz 80’s
Posted on: Sat 28 May 2022

What is so great about 80s music? This era was home to artists with creative and innovative visions. Little did these artists realise that they were creating a unique genre with rich voices and distinctive sound. The influence of the 80s is still heard today from crazy synths to exploding drums. For Australia, this was the golden age of music due to the fact that everything was possible, every talented artist had the chance to make it and everyone brought something new and exciting to the table.
Whether you are an aficionado of this era (maybe not for the fashion and hair style) or still need to be convinced… this Saturday 28th of May at the Bridgeway is not to be missed with its Absolutely 80’s night featuring original Australian 80’s hit factories Scott Carne (Kids In The Kitchen), Brian Mannix (Uncanny X-Men), David Sterry (Real Life) and Fred Loneragan (Machinations). Hear all your favourite 80’s hits such as Send Me An Angel, Change In Mood, No Say In It, Everybody Wants to Work, Catch Me I’m Falling, 50 Years, Pressure Sway and much more!
A high octane two hours show with Australia’s biggest 80s hits, sung by the 80s stars and featuring local artists Lee Nash on the bass, Rob Vorel on the keyboard and Thom Man on the drums who know how to hold the crowd in awe and whip up ‘em up into a dancing, singalong frenzy. Come and travel back to the decade that had it all with the stars you had up on your wall!
If you miss this big night of original music legends, Virginie the Frenchie, for The Range, will tell you all about it in her Tuesday’s afternoon show!
Let’s go back… Back to the good Oz 80’s!!!
“Bitter desire” by Kids in the Kitchen and “My beautiful Monster” by Real Life
Image Credit: @OCCHIO
Reviewed by: Virginie the Frenchie