John McGowan 4RAR – Leaves are Prey to Wind
Posted on: Mon 28 Mar 2022

Army life in 1968 looked ‘so darned exciting’ to outdoorsy type 17year old John. A tour of duty in Vietnam was to colour that outlook, but it didn’t come to full recognition until much later when the Vietnam experience had already impacted severely on John’s life, and he’d developed techniques to hide it. His wife told him to write about it… As Leaves Are Prey To Wind.

Amazon Review:
Charles W Monk 5.0 out of 5 stars At last. a realistic story of the Vietnam War.
I have read a considerable number of books about the Vietnam War. This is the first one where I felt as though i was part of the action. The words and terms used are in my opinion exactly as they were. There is no padding, it is a bloody great read. I felt that I was absorbed in the battles. Well done to the author. A great read.