
Poor Hygiene in Aged Care

Posted on: Thu 6 Aug 2020

COVID-19 cases have yet to cease increasing in Victoria, with subsequent investigations taking place into the main methods of spread.

Following a Royal Commission into shortcomings of the aged care system, staff and funding issues are widely known to have persisted within facilities for years. However with susceptibility to COVID-19, improvement of facilities have recently become a central priority.

The withholding of case reports from certain private aged care homes in Victoria has been supported by former health care minister Brendan Murphy.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced 16 new goals for the ‘Close the Gap’ program, pertaining to Indigenous inequalities within Australia. This comes short of an assessment of the unsuccessful 2008 goals, with critics referring to the new proposals as ‘buzz words’ and unproductive.

Radio Adelaide’s political correspondent, Dr. Blair Williams of Australian National University, joins Breakfast’s Tom Mann and Zoe Kounadis to expand on these stories and others out of Canberra.

Produced by Leon Bishop

Image sourced: Miguel Pena


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